They wanted blood and only got some tepid spittle

They wanted blood and only got some tepid spittle

by digby

So the right wing is very disappointed in the Planned Parenthood hearings.  Here's a typical reaction:

If you're wondering why Boehner was days away from getting canned, today's nonsense is why. Case study in ineptitude of failure theater.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) September 29, 2015

Can you imagine if this band of incompetent morons had been in charge of prosecuting the Nuremberg trials? My goodness what a farce.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) September 29, 2015

He further commented that this is why people are so pleased with Carly Fiorina. I guess

I'm not sure what they expected. Screaming in her face,  "you can't handle the truth!!!"? Tie her up and throw her in a pond to see if she floats? I don't know. I think maybe they've seen to many movies.  As far as I could tell Chaffetz was as rude as anyone could be, interrupting her constantly and throwing out tons of lies and egregiously phony data. It's not good enough because Richards didn't run from the room crying and wailing, "I give up, I am a baby killer, I am!"
